Datanet Founded in August 1994, is a leading ISP, that focuses mainly in 2 market segments, the individual user and the corporate users. This company was sold to PSINet by Grupo Busca on May 22, 1999.

Connect Net
Connect Net Founded in December 1998, is the corporate division of Datanet, it focuses on the sale of Internet access to medium to large corporations, offering a variety of Services. It also sold together with Datanet in May 1999.

Super Host
Super Host founded in March 1999, is the Web Hosting division of Datanet, it focuses on the sale of both small and large web site hosting solutions to medium to large corporations. It also sold together with Datanet in May 1999.

Mundo en Línea
Mundo en Linea is Mexican and Spanish web portal of Portal al Mundo, a subsidiary of Grupo Busca.
Mel was founded as early as 1995, but started to get the attention and the focus of the company on June 1999.
Mel Network: (on development)

Gran Click
Gran Click founded in March 1999, is the leading Mexican Advertising Network. If focuses on 2 distinct markets. One , proving advertisers the most efficient advertising solution, and second proving content generators a way to monetize the traffic of their popular web sites, by out souring the complete add delivery and sales services.

Tu Seguro
Tu Seguro launched on October 1999, is the first and largest Insurance site on the Internet in Mexico. It focuses in proving a broad range of Insurance services at the most competitive prices on a secure and friendly environment to the Mexican Insurance consumer.

Dokoni, Inc
Dokoni, Inc. is a San Diego based wireless web consulting firm founded in 1999. Dokoni develops applications and services for leading wireless platforms. Its main focus is helping large wireless carriers and corporations develop and implement costumer driven wireless applications.

Tu Habano
Tu Habano was launched in March 2000, and it is the first cigar shop on the Internet in Mexico. It offers premium Cuban and Mexican cigars.

Red Total
Red Total: An specialized ISP that offers several Internet services such as: e-mail outsourcing, shared hosting, leased lines, DNS administration, and domain name buy, sale, and register services. Red Total divisions are: Correo Total, Hosting 1, Red 1000 and DominiosMx

Correo Total
Correo Total: This company focuses in the outsourcing of corporate and personal e-mail. It offers the fastest, reliable, and economical personalized e-mail service, allowing its users to check their mail via POP (using Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook, Netscape Messenger, Eudora), WEB (using our web site from any computer with Internet access in any region of the world) and WAP (from cell phones).

DominiosMx: It is a web site that allows its users to buy and sell previously registered domain names, as well as register domain names .com and

Hosting 1
Hosting 1: This company offers "shared hosting" services, in Linux and NT operating systems, using high capacity, high security, redundant and reliable servers.

Red 1000
Red 1000: This company offers corporate and personal high speed leased lines, using new and innovative technology such as wireless Internet that allows its users to use the Internet from any palace they are.